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Cross tuning qigong for pregnancy

I think that there are many people who are currently suffering from pregnancy.


Women often blame themselves for not being able to get pregnant. Certainly, the decrease in egg vitality and fertilization rate is remarkable with age.


On the other hand, in reality, the influence of men is also very much involved.

Sex just for childbirth does not lead to the birth of a new life because the sperm do not have enough ki.


At our hospital, we have developed a method to dramatically increase the possibility by not only activating the egg for women, but also performing qigong treatment on men and women at the same time and synchronizing the two's qi.


Normally, it is difficult to perform Qigong treatment for multiple people at once because the Qigong treatment matches the wavelength of the person's Qi. Leads the result.

As a result, the energy of the synchronized sperm and egg cells is dramatically improved, and the vitality is enhanced.

Even those who are already receiving treatment at a hospital or clinic can receive this cross-tuned qigong at the same time.


In addition, since the treatment is performed remotely, even those who are busy working can receive it at any time.

The standard treatment is 3 to 6 months. High results have been obtained.

The sooner you receive the treatment, the better.


We only accept consultations, so if you have any concerns, please feel free to contact us.

We'll be expecting you.

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